Apr 25, 2010

stress & rest

hey all,

have an awesome exam week :)

God Bless. Continue reading...

Apr 16, 2010

encouragement from our Father.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Continue reading...

Apr 10, 2010

The most Awesome short clip I ever watch!

Really worth your time to watch...

-God bless-
Continue reading...

Apr 6, 2010

Outting Outting~!!!

HEY! COOL Campus Students! =D
We are having CF OUTTING this FRIDAY!!! Woohoo!!
We used to have badminton, movie, "makan" and etc..... And this time, we are having BOWLING!!!
COME & JOIN in the FUN!

Where? When?
Is at Summit Bowling Alley, 9th April 2010 at 12pm sharp! :D

What are you waiting for?
*Quickly Jot this on your Friday appointment list
"Bowling Day!"

Remember to bring your own socks!!
CHIAOZ!! Continue reading...

Apr 4, 2010

Passion Of Christ

Last Friday (April 2) we have screening of Passion Of Christ!

Its really an awesome movie!
Because it brings everyone of us to experience what had happen 2000 years ago. What our Lord and Saviour has gone through for us... And yet, His for us is never shaken even though He is in such great pain!

The great thing is, this movie actually build some foundation in some of us. It reinforce in our heart, that our Lord is so Special! The only God that died for His people so that we will have eternal life! Amen!!

For people who came, they are really bless by it,
1 girl whom i approach, says, she got touch by this movie! And guess what, she indicate that she will continue coming to CF! Praise the Lord! Woohoo!~

After this, we have great fellowship and had our lunch together at Thai Village!
Ps. If you missed the Passion of Christ screening,
Don't worry,
we still have Fellowship Outing-Bowling this coming Friday (9th April) at 12pm ! Please don't miss this! I know you will surely enjoy urself! Continue reading...

WHats with Resurrection Sunday?

People would ask me what do I do on Resurrection Sunday?
Its of course the usual stuff, going to church with the thought that He was risen up from the dead.

For some of us, we have had so many resurrection Sundays in our lifetime. So how is this year going to be any different?

Some people say, all good things comes to an end. But does it? Isn’t it up to you and I? Yes, life ends on earth, but doesn’t is begin in heaven? Imagine the unlimited praise and worship! The ability to live peacefully with animals!

But coming back, I, for one, realized that there are something in my life that have come to an end. There are times, unintentionally, we rush into the day and rush out of the day, not knowing we’re ending something in us.

But then again, all good things does not come to an end. This resurrection Sunday, think about the things that died inside of us. The passion, or the quiet time, or just the love for praise and worship. Whatever it is, let us resurrect at least one of it.

So, what do you do on a resurrection Sunday? Continue reading...

Apr 3, 2010

Resurrection Sunday

*dust* dust*
The time has come for this blog to resurrect!
Blessed Resurrection Sunday Ya'll :)

coming up: what do you do on resurrection sunday?
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