Mar 3, 2011

CamPuS ReVo

~Just a Little Sharing from a member Me(Soo Wei)~ on how god has worked in my life~

Revo was just awesum!! had an awesum time with GOd yesterday @ campus revo~ I know its just not about prayers and all but its all about HIM~ looking back during my practicum hours.. when I have to skip ReVo.. I could feel the dryness in me~ without revo.. without prayer.. without people hu will encourage me to move on ~ serving GOD.. today was my 1st day back to revo~ once again~ n as usual!! it had always been AWESUM..!! could really feel god presence once more~ it had been long ever since we asked god for forgiveness to renew our souls...the song GIVE US CLEAN HANDS~GIVE US PURE HEART~ had really strike us..and also the power of your love.. I was wondering what could we sing for worship today and so this morning I thought WHO AM I and POWER OF UR LOVE would do good.. without realizing this morning.. it just goes well with the topic we were discussing this morning..its just amazing on how god has really worked in our life's.. we really want to thank Joanne,Te May,and Janel who had came to serve together with us..!! they are awesum people man~ glad to have them around who had awaken us from some of our wonders..thank u girls.. for waking us up once more.. really appreciated it a lot girls..also.. wana thank u the committee members of CF n CR~ without ur support ur walk with this journey of my life with god... i wouldn't know where i would end up to be... really thank u girls and guys... for walking me through.. i just wonder whats going to happen when i start working.. I'm gonna miss u guys n girls a lot..!! it is CF n CR that i have grown~ the only place I have to go.. i wonder what will happen to me then.. but i believe god has already his plans for me.. and there shall be no worries about whats going to happen ~ it will just turn out just as good as now..and we ended with the worship song The Power of UR LOVE ~ have a nice weekend people..god bless..xoxo.. :)

~with lotsa love~
*SoO WeI*


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