Jun 20, 2010

Campus Revo Updates!

A short update on Campus Revo..

Last Wed, we met for our 3rd Campus Revo meeting and we were led by the Holy Spirit to give out curry puffs and coffee to cleaners.

So on Friday morning, we gathered, collected our curry puffs from canteen operator and made a jug of nice coffee (thanks to the kind assistance of 1st floor cafe operator who helped us make the coffee taste better with creamer + Indocafe coffee powder + keep tasting repetitiously till the coffee's got the right taste, all for free of charge! mmm.. trust me, the coffee turned up smelling really good!

Here's the picure of the curry puffs with the note "Yesus Cintaimu" which means Jesus Loves You.
Keith and Melissa handing out a packet of curry puffs + coffee to a cleaner. It was really hard searching for cleaners on that day somehow.
Fee Vien and Keith handing out food to the security guards.

Handing out food to another cleaner. We also gave out the remaining packets and coffee to 3 'kakak(s)' at B1 canteen who never cease to work in cleaning and serving at the canteen.

Some of you might wonder what is Campus revo all about?
Campus Revo is basically a movement that wants to see change happen in our campuses. It may not happen instantly, but we believe ONE person can make a difference to bring change to our campus by LOVE.
What we do?
We pray to God, listen to Him, and obey Him whatever He placed in our hearts to do for Him- it can be like sitting with a classmate who is alone, bringing your Bible and leaving it open, random acts of kindness, giving out encouraging notes to our friends and pray for them etc.
You can join us every Wed, 11:15am-12pm at 1st floor (outside Student Council/Fayette House Room).
Come join us to partner with us to see our campus transformed for God!
SEGi Campus Revolutionaries


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