Jun 1, 2011


HEY EVERY ONE !!WE ARE BACK..!! After a long break from your holidays ~ XD I hope you all did had fun throughout ur holidays!! hahaaa~ well...guess u guys did~ hahahaa ...ARE YOU EXITED FOR THE NEW JOURNEY THAT GOD HAS PLACE IN YOUR LIFE.!!?? 

THE NEW BEGINNING!! by CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP - P/s: Tired of ur old life style??here we are to help u cope with ur life to lead a better and healthier life style..!!its so gonna be awesum seeing you guys around in CF once again !!! do come join us and know more about us !! God bless people..!!

have a nice week ahead..!! hope to see soon!! 
♥SooW3i * Continue reading...

May 18, 2011

Keep Moving On

dont give up!!

no matter what circumstances we are in~ bad or good, just continue to keep moving, never give up~ continue the race till the end.. because there is nothing to fear as the lord is with u always~ he never neglected u~and he is under control of everything that u do~ So people..dun giv up!! and have faith in the lord..!! as his plans never fails us!!god bless everyone!! :)

2 Corinthians 4:7-18
7 But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 10 We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. 11 For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. 12 So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you.
13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.”[a] Since we have that same spirit of[b] faith, we also believe and therefore speak, 14 because we know that the one who raised the Lord Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus and present us with you to himself. 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God.
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Written by,
Soo Wei Continue reading...

May 8, 2011

Campus Revo-4th may (wed)

**God's A Mechanic**

Hey guys, i dunoe why but i just felt the urge to share this with all of u~so this is it~ i got reminded in CR ~ this week was seriously not a gud week for me.. i had nvr felt this bad b4.. the down person was so strong that it even pulled me away from god~i had never felt this bad~ the worst feeling ever..i dun knw y did i feel so down~ till i dont know what to do ~ i cried myself to sleep pass few nites~ i jus couldn't wait for campus revo when i could be stired up by god 's holy spirit once again~ i know god never leaves me~ he was always there for me ~ thanks Janel n Joanne for the reminder ~it was a tough week for me~ being shoot at one by one.. and all i could say soree for the misunderstanding ~ than i had another unexpected news~ someone who i didnt expected would do such a thing~and i screwed him upside down cuz i couldnt take it anymore~ it was like a domino~ which fell straight away one after another~ non stop~and m soree Lord for the things that i have done~ i know i shouldn't do it~ but it was just so hard ~ that is y i wasn't really active on fb last few nites ~if u all realized~if not its ok~ and here comes the day i have been waiting for~its CR (yesterday) thanks Mel..l for the awakening moment.. well guess its true ~ guess god is working on our broken pieces, he is a mechanic who repairs our bits n bits of broken hearts ~and it may hurt ~ but it will have a gud end to it~so people!! sty strong as u are!! cont to run this race n never give up!! his plans never fails!! God bless!! have a nice week ahead!!

the song that spoke to me~ during CR

MenGejar hadirMu~

Verse 1:



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*Fr3aKy FriDaY*

hey guys im back for the news updates for the last pass few weeks,ok..so this was what happened on the 15th of May.. we had a day of personality test, its about knowing urself better and also others, so that we know how to go about mixing around after knowing one another personality, to built a  better friend relationship.Today we had a speaker who is ms.Johnson if m not wrong..well, she talked about teachers being a role model, and also how important of us being a good christian to be a good role model and a teacher to the others.We had her to speak about 1st then only we had worship section and last but not least games: which is personality test.XD and guess what most of us are sanguine if i am not wrong.. ahaha.. isn't it interesting to know one another personalities.hope u all had lots of fun being in the fellowship with us .. XD hope to see u all soon..

P/s : ATTENTION GUYS and GIRLS! SEGi CF will be taking a month break (May), and will be back on JUNE! :D However, CF will be having OUTTING! (If u're intrested to know more, check with us for updates!)Or you could follow our "SEGi College Subang Jaya Christian Fellowship group" to find out more! STAY TUNNED!(copyright @feevien)XD ♥ GOD BLESS..


Hari ini ku rasa bahagia
Berkumpul bersama saudara seimam 
Tuhan Yesus t’lah satukan kita
Tanpa memandang di antara kita

Bergandingan tangan dalam kasih
Dengan satu hati
Berjalan dalam terang kasih Tuhan


Kau sahabatku, kau saudaraku
Tiada yang dapat memisahkan kita
Kau sahabatku, kau saudaraku
Tiada yang dapat memisahkan kita

Loves,SoOw3i :) 

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Apr 27, 2011

Campus reVo

*Moving the Mountains*

(a little sharing bout todays campus revo meet)

today campus revo meet was extremely incredible..thank u lord for bringing joaane, may n janel into campus revo...thank u for speaking to them lord...i just felt god's presence, god's holy spirit..upon the whole room... it was jus man.. i do not know how to describe this feelings of mine...thank u janel, may n joanne.. for allowing us to pour everything out.. tho i wasnt really ready to share.. i couldnt take it anymore and i just had to poured everything out.. i had never cried so much in my life before.. i just felt hopeless.. didn't know what to do but just to pour everything out..i couldn't talk..i just couldnt open my mouth.. if i would im gonna cry even more..i was extremely tired already.. i could feel my legs and hands shivering(tho i was sitting down)..i feel like i am out of breath.. i couldnt breath...was just to restless after pouring everything out.. it was my 1st time i ever felt this way.. after all those that happen.. i just dunnoe how to describe those feelings.. thank u god for today lord.. thank you !! and i just wan to say how much i love u.. in jesus name i pray amen!!

with much love,
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EAsTER FRIday...!!

hey people...!! how was Easter celebration going on?guess it was Awesum !!!

Well, we also had an awesum time with the lord last friday~ we celebrated easter by having easter games(we had station games)hope u all had fun tho..!! eheh.. XD

After the games ... we had a time of sharing...from pastor dave.. thank u pastor dave for sharing.. we have looked into who are we.. we are all sinners... we all sin against God.. nobody in this world is perfect.. and so Jesus had made the 1st move to save us from sins... this is what easter is all about.. Jesus the son of God had died for us on he cross for our sins, he was burried and he rosed again.. and now we are celebrating the joy that he is alive until today..!! woots..! hallelujah!!dear god..thank u lord for dieing on the cross for us.. thank u for the nail pierced hands...amen!!

and after the message... we gave out the prices for the teams that had won..

group A won the 1st,2nd = group c and 3rd is group b ..
(if i do not rmb wrongly.. do correcct me if m wrong yo... XD)

guess thats bout it for now.. ehee.. have a nice week ahead..!! god bless 

Worthy Is the Lamb

Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crown
You reign victorious
High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb


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Apr 16, 2011

Spy FriDay!!! woOts...!!

hey beloved bro n sistas..!! Im back for another Awesum Friday news feed..!! and guess what..!??

wh3e...(16 April 2011)

woots.. and PRAISE THE LORD..!! we have a few new members today!! thanks for joining us today people..! glad to have u here with us..!! i hope u all enjoyed urself!! XD

its games time..!! and we had a spy game..!! SPY VS GANGSTER.. spy will kill the gangster by sqeezing the persons hand next to you. Lets say you want to kill the 3rd person on ur left, squeeze 3 times..till someone knows who is the spy...XD We played a few rounds... and it was time for worship.. ehehe..

Its Worship TiM3..!!

So its a moment for us to come to the Lord.. having personal time with the Lord.. and our worship leader for the day is Ailynn!!(aunty ailynn..) XD thanks Ailynn for leading us..!! today we had a little special moment.. ehehe.. thanks to ailynn. she gave me the opportunity to be her back up.. and we had a new comer which is Mr.Henry ehehe... :p He practiced with us for worship the day before and he picked up fst..!! praise the lord.. see-ing another worship leader coming up.. woots..ehe.. so we pulled him up as our back up as well..it seems he is having fun..! ehehe~ we all did didnt we?? XD thank u lots Henry for supporting us.. !! we are really glad to have u in cf..!! and not to forget the other CF members too!! without u all.. CF wont happened..!! so praise the lord once again!! for having such awesum people.. like all of u!! thanks a lot for all your support..!! god bless!!


Today we had a wonderful msg shared by Pastor Sara..from Acts church... XD
Pr Sarah is Acts Kids pastor had been a christian for 8 years and this year she had become a Pastor.

She shared about foundation of Christianity. To constantly hungry for God, seek Him. So in another word, constantly have our quiet time, listen and obey Him. :) She also shared with us on how stubborn she could be.. as in stubborn in a good way... being stubborn for the word of God.. she said she had this mentally where she would say I want more of God I don't care..!! isnt she awesum!!??

Trading My Sorrows..

I'm trading my sorrow
I'm trading my shame
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

I'm trading my sickness
I'm trading my pain
I'm laying it down for the joy of the Lord

And we say yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord
Yes Lord yes Lord yes yes Lord Amen

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Apr 13, 2011

CamPuS reVo ^^

**Thank You Lord for the Day that U have Made**
-News Fe3d 4 The dAy-

Committee Prayer Meet

Once again~ we met up for Campus Revo prayer meet..!! wh3ee.. so we started of with Committee prayer meet.. @ 10.30am.. we gathered circumstances that we need to pray for as a committee..to start our day off with ...a time of worship...As we all believe every prayer is a powerful weapon~ every prayer will move the hands of God.. that our prayer does the things our hands cannot do,and so every time we pray, the mountains are removed and the paths are made straight and nations turns to YOU..with this being said..we moved on to prayer needs that we have gathered during last Friday CF prayer box.. just in case u all were wondering what prayer box.. well. we actually started a prayer need box.. where u all could write down any prayer request..in the box.. and it will be kept Private n Confidential.. and when the following prayer meet comes.. we will gather all the prayer needs and we,the committee members will pray for u all..amen!! XD

CamPus Revo Prayer Meet..

And its now 11am..after everybody came.. we started a fresh new time round for a time of worship .. to gather our spirit together..before we moved on to prayers.. we were lead by May(for worship) thanks May for leading us.. :) then we had a time of personal prayer needs.. we broke into groups praying for one another needs..and we moved on to praying for our unsaved friends and also campus.. and we had a time of quite time with God... listening to what He had install for us for the week.. and He has lead us to this verse. thank u may for sharing with us..2 sam 22;26-37... and with this we ended with a time of sharing and we closed in prayer..!! Thank u Lord for this day.. the day that U have made !! Amen!! God Bless everyone!! have a blessed weekend ahead..!! looking forward to see u all again for the upcoming prayer meet and CF ..!! woots..!! ciows..!!

TheRe Is NoNe Like U 





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Apr 9, 2011


a little sharing of what happened during CF yesterday!! :)

"Ingredients" for the day!!! woots..!!

Today we have a few new members that came to join us!! thank u henry and samual~ for joining us.. thank u kyle n his friend for coming too!! i hope i didnt miss out anyone.. but jus incase thanks a lot everyone for coming and for joining us in the game..!! i hope u all did had fun!! ehehe~enjoyed preparing the ingredients with ailyn n feevien~ ehehhe.. :p

Well today we had a guess speaker from klang church ~ cant really rmb wht church.. which is pastor eng boon if m not mistaken.. well. since he was rushing for time.. we allow him to speak to us 1st b4 we headed to our game and worship section~ we had a messaged on faith and knowledge..!! after pastor eng boon spoke.. we leaded the team for worship time with Melissa and Te May!! ehehe... it was an awesum worship moment with god... i was actually kinda disturbed at that moment... i was controlling myself the whole time ~ so that i will not pour out just like that infront of all of u~ which it will gonna be embarrassing..i wasnt being myself yesterday~ and im soree ~ i was suppose to follow and be mel's back up singing ~ but i just cant do so~ i wasnt ready and emotionally disturbed..during worship ~ the songs that Melissa chose just hit me right to the point! i couldn't take it anymore and i just teared .. until the end of worship~ i just felt god's presences ...and it made me cry even more... thank u god for being there always and never forsake us ~ thank u god ~

After worship section ~ we proceeded to the time we were all waiting for!! game time!! bwahaha~ me ailyn n feevien got ready the ingredients needed for the food guessing time!! while misha leaded them for a small round of introduction~ we then divided the crowd into 2 groups ~ each group will choose a representative.. and come up front to the table ~ we will randomly pick an ingredient and feed them... and they will be trying to guess what ingredient was it...!! hahah~ jus loved their expression on their faces when the food is put into their mouths... hehee :p well.. thank god it all went well.. ehehe~ hope u all had fun with us!! do come join us more often yo!! hope to see u all next round..!! have a blessed weekend..!! God bless!! ♥


When the trouble comes
I trust in You
For i know You will lead me through
And i know You are faithful
till the end

Lord You are always here with me
There is no changing God in Thee
You are the same yesterday
and today and forevermore
Here on your promises i stand
You hold my future in Your hand
My solid rock
Almighty God
I worship you

And when the storms are drawing near
When i'm with You i dont have to fear
You're my shepherd on whom i can depend
Through the day
Through the night
I know You're always be by my side

with love,

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Apr 4, 2011

1st Combied Committee Me3tiNg (Segi Subang,Segi KD n Segi KL) :)

Are you ready soldiers..!!??

Are you ready to pick up your tools..and fight!!?? XD

Ehehe..it had been a long time ever since we met up for a meeting..although its my first time joining u guys for the meeting.. i bet for the rest of you would have been quite some time.. and cant wait to meet up again to continue fighting and being the soldier for the lord..yay!!ehehe..and yup we did meet up once again planning how we should do Campus Revolution and CF Camp..!! yay!!I'm already hype up for the up coming Revo and Cf Camp.hehhee...XD i bet its going to be another great year~ dont give up peeps..!! keep it up the great work you guys are doing right now...XD it was nice meeting you Segi KD and Segi KL..peeps..!! and guess what??

after the meeting..misha declared for Snowflake visit..lolz...hehehe..So..Me,Jevin,Kayyi,melissa(mel),feevien(ama fee):p,misha, mr.francis,and ailyn went for the snowflake while the rest went back home..!! XD We went over to Kota Damansara's Snowflake.. and this was what happen during snowflake..XD

ENJOY.!! and have a nice week ahead..!! God bless!!

**with Lotsa Love**
-SoOw3i- Continue reading...

FOoLs FriDaY!!!

1st April -April Fool...

hey people..!! so yea..last friday was fools friday~ did all managed to fool anywan~?? hahaha.lolz.. it was fun fooling around isint it?? well.. As for us CF.. we got fooled by our dear bro Jevin and His friend.. @@..we were suppose to have our CF for the day in Theater Hall.. but our dear bro Jevin~ fooled us by putting up a notice saying that our Cf have been moved to Blackbox.. as other classes would like to use th hall for their presentaion.. and so they had to moved the piano and move everything to the blackbox.. halfway through their process of moving, i came by.. and i was lost on what was going on.and they said that theater hall "was being book by other classes from 12.30pm-4.3pm" and we shifted over to black box.. (we didnt know that we were being fooled then~ untill jevin came by showing us the notice, saying that he was the one that did the notice.. some of us actually got angry because the guys and us had tomove everything there and now you come telling us saying it was fake.. and we then realise it was April Fool... @@.. . hahha~lolz.. anyways that was our april story for the day~

and now its time for games.. we played a game which needed us to write down 2 true statement of urself and one fake statement .. and then when it comes to your turn, u say all 3 out and others wil guess which wan is the fake wan..

Inspiring message

Its now time for sharing ..we were suppose to get a pastor to share with us ~ but then last minute he couldnt make it so.. we got our dear Preseident to Share her walk with God throughout her life.. it was one inspiring message from her then.. we all really got encouraged by her sharing of faith in God...

And we ended CF with another testimony from Jevin ~ and a short testimony from Mr.Francis...

I guess thats bout al for now..!! have a nice day~!! God bless :)

*SoOw3i*^^ Continue reading...

WOW~n3Ss of GOD !!

(a little sharing of what happened during worship)

man~ i was speechless.. of how god jus worked in our lives.. it couldn't be that coincidence ~ here's what happen~ i was thinking back on what had happened during worship last nite.. and i remembered mel told me that she was praying hard earlier on.. that i would prolong my worship because Hannah haven't arrived yet.. during worship halfway through singing We Wana See Jesus Lifted High ~ i was just scanning around the room~ thinking as fast as i could should i go a few more rounds before i moved on to our last song.. because i felt worship was a little longer then usual..and i felt it is time to end worship but while i was scanning around the room..i was leading unconsciously when i heard a voice saying that Hannah not here yet.. and i was unconsciously repeating the same song a few more rounds..because i was half nervous and half worshiping... before i proceeded to the last song(ur awesum in this place).. and by the time hannah yeoh came in~ i was about to end worship alrdy ~ i was like wow~ perfect timing...

We Want to See
We want to see Jesus lifted high
A banner that flies across this land
That all men might see the truth and know
He is the way to heaven. x2

We want to see, we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high
We want to see, we want to see
We want to see Jesus lifted high

Step by step, we're moving forward
Little by little, taking ground
Every prayer a powerful weapon
Strongholds come tumbling down and down and down and down

We're gonna see, we're gonna see
We're gonna see Jesus lifted high
We're gonna see, we're gonna see
We're gonna see Jesus lifted high

**with lotsa love**
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YB HaNnaH YeOh

**BreakThRough for CF !!**

(YB Hannah yeoh~the guest speaker for the day)

FORMAL FRIDAYwoohoo!! another breakthrough for cf..!! today we had another large number of people..!! woots.!! thank u people for supporting YB HANNAH YEOH~ isnt she just simply awesum?? all of us wore formal today to invite YB Hannah Yeoh ~ state assembly man for Subang Jaya..!! she is just one inspiring women!!! thank u lord for bringing hannah yeoh today!! i hope her testimony today would be a eye opener to all of you that attended todays CF.. be the future generation ~ be a change to our country~ and not just run away from it.. !! Amen!!before Hannah Yeohs turn to speak..we had the usuall routine... we had games... ahah~ our dear games leader for the day s misha choo!! ehehe XD we played the blanket game.. !! hehe..

Worship Time

Then we moved on to time of worship~ woots..and guess wut.. its my moment ~ XD man~ praise the lord.. !! that i managed to pull through worship~~ tho i could feel my whole body shaking there.. @@.. i was kinda nervous...@@.. it was my first time worship lead.. infront of such a big crowd.. but thank god it wasnt too big the crowd at the beginning.. XD but in the middle of Hannah Yeoh's testimony~ the crowd grew bigger.. heehhee!! yay!!
~Time For Hannah Yeoh ~
Personally i just love her~ a lot.. i felt encouraged every time i listen to her testimony~ she was just an ordinary girl like us(she didnt know a single thing of politics) ~ untill she met christ ~ and until she heared and felt the calling from god to joined the politicans.. it wasn't an easy path for her.. but she managed pulled through by the grace of God..isnt just how awesum God works in our ways... and life.. man~ she is jus one inspiring women~ jus love her lots..!! thank u Hanah Yeoh for sharing..!! hope to see you again~ XD god bless !! :)


=>our dear MC for the day~ ehehhe~ :p

After CF

=> lunch time..!!
(while waiting for their food to come) feevien being mischievous.. lolz.. :p

You Are Awesome In this PLace

As I come into Your presence
Past the gates of praise
Into Your sanctuary
Til we're standing face to face
I look upon Your countenance
I see the glory of Your Holy face
I can only bow down and say...

You are awesome in this place, Mighty God
You are awesome in this place, Abba Father
You are worthy of all praise
To You our hands we raise
You are awesome in this place, Mighty God

-SoOw3i- :)
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Mar 23, 2011

The Cleaners :)

Today was awesum!!!God's presence in the room was stronger then ever..!! thank u all who made it for todays campus revo meeting and also for the gathering with the cleaners today~ you guys rocks!! u all made a difference!! do come join us more often yea!! god bless!! :) we had lots of new comers today!! woots..!! praise the lord..!! thank u lord for bringing them into campus revo!! lets welcome : Jaclyna~ Joyce~ Christy~ !! nice having u all with us this morning!!We felt that it was God's calling for us to bless our cleaners in college (segi subang)with lunch and so today we decided to provide them with nasi lemak and cordial drink~ it was an awesum moment getting to know them ~ they look happie with our company ~ thank you lord for showing the way~ and being there for us each every moment..we are looking forward for more of URS lord..!! was blessed today and overwhelmed..!!! 
Purpose of having this Project: we want to let the cleaners here in our college know that they are not alone, that they are someone who appreciates them for what they have contributed to the college.. and there is someone who cares for them. 
Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”
*SooWei* :)
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**Blessed **

Ello peeps soree for the late updates yo!! lets look back at what we had done in CF for the last week Friday and this week..

* well this was what happen during last Friday *

Look wut I have made Friday !! We had a Wonderful Response last friday !! PRAISE THE LORD..!! WOOTS..!!Thank u lord for bringing all the awesum people in the world here today to cf !! Last friday we had an spectacular activity called LOOK WHAT I HAVE MADE FRIDAY!! WOOTS..!! We all made our own handmade card for ourself~ and we passed it around for others to write compliments about you!! We had quite a number of new comers: thank u Johnathan(Jevin 's friend), Krystie, esther,wen chin,cherry and lots more.. for coming!! glad u all had fun !! and we would like to welcome back Prasanand who was in NZ to further his studies..!!yay!hey Prasanand u really did surprised us!!great job!! lolz..!! glad to have u back here today with us..!! and not to forget keith too!! he joined us for lunch tho!! :)

Todays message was from JoeL from Acts church..

well its all about giving !! what does giving actually means to u??
giving brings the meaning : giving all the best you could...!!

John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

eternal life = going to live with him forever...
god loved us so much that he gave his best (his son:Jesus Christ to take away our sins and shames and make us brand new)

Mark 6:31
Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest."

Genesis 22

1Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him, “Abraham!”“Here I am,” he replied.

2Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”

3Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about. 4On the third day Abraham looked up and saw the place in the distance. 5He said to his servants, “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.”

6Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife. As the two of them went on together, 7Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, “Father?”

“Yes, my son?” Abraham replied.

“The fire and wood are here,” Isaac said, “but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?”

8Abraham answered, “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” And the two of them went on together.

9When they reached the place God had told him about, Abraham built an altar there and arranged the wood on it. He bound his son Isaac and laid him on the altar, on top of the wood. 10Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay his son. 11But the angel of the Lord called out to him from heaven, “Abraham! Abraham!”“Here I am,” he replied.

12“Do not lay a hand on the boy,” he said. “Do not do anything to him. Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.”

13Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a rama caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son. 14So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.”

15The angel of the Lord called to Abraham from heaven a second time 16and said, “I swear by myself, declares the Lord, that because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, 17I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will take possession of the cities of their enemies, 18and through your offspringb all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”

19Then Abraham returned to his servants, and they set off together for Beersheba. And Abraham stayed in Beersheba.

Nahor’s Sons

20Some time later Abraham was told, “Milcah is also a mother; she has borne sons to your brother Nahor: 21Uz the firstborn, Buz his brother, Kemuel (the father of Aram), 22Kesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph and Bethuel.” 23Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. Milcah bore these eight sons to Abraham’s brother Nahor. 24His concubine, whose name was Reumah, also had sons: Tebah, Gaham, Tahash and Maacah.
- worship is also an act of giving.. giving ur voice to God...
- in churches we have offering bags..its also an act of giving ...

Colossians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

so people lets just remind ourself..
Giving is just not all about giving but its giving from ur heart ... no doubt about it!!
~with lotsa Love~

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Mar 13, 2011

Our Pictorial Book.


Everyone is playing a melody in life – even you. Difference is, are you in tune?

Its incredible when you gain much more than what you bargained for. Instead of just strumming a few chords, last Friday’s workshop on worship and guitar learning was much more than I, for one bargained for.

We have heard countless time of people preaching about what worship is. A lifestyle, a way of glorifying, and the list never stops. But this time, we were taken to an entirely different perspective of worship. The one where worship means something more than a few words  put together called definitions. Much more than that.

Its as if God made all this marvellous creation on planet earth and stepped back to sit and watch our every move while stroking his long white beard.

As rhetorical that statement is, it got me thinking. There are times when we worship, its as if we’re singing and praising someone so far away, like we are some little ant waving to a gigantic human sitting on a throne. That’s almost ridiculous to think about! But it is what most people, I too, have in mind when we worship.

Its as if he only comes once in a while to do some miracle and then leaves.

Isn’t He all around? Isn’t He omnipresent. With what our little minds can comprehend, maybe its time we stop putting God on the little picture book we have so easily created as we grew in our faith. He is right next to you.

Yes, that afternoon, we gained understanding of worship, but most importantly, I, as I can only speak for myself, have torn that one page of my picture book. Its about time I threw the whole book and see if He can surprise me all over again. But one step at a time.

You try now, pull out that pictorial book you have of God, and see if its worth keeping, or else rip it off.

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Mar 11, 2011



Before CF

Today is FLAUNT it Friday the day that everyone had been waiting for, i believe everyone was excited before cf and lots of things to decide, from the clothing they wants to wear, hair style they're going to set and last by not least make ups! they girls were discussing what are they going to wear on this day over the internet few nights ago, and after 106 comments on the Facebook they finally choose to wear a dress. the guys instead.. well they just don't plan much.

During CF

First of all we'll always start of with introduction about ourself, our course and the question of the day is what is your favorite outfit? then we were supposed to head on to the photo-shoot right away! but because of some circumstances Mr Francis a.k.a our Photographer is still setting up the scene! =( so while Mr Francis is setting up the stuff we started of with the praise and worship first! Today's praise and worship leader are Te May & Jo Ann! We all ♥ them! We'll see them in action again for more upcoming Christian Fellowships! Directly after praise and worship we head on to the Photo-Shoot that everyone's excited about! Do checkout the photos from Facebook! after that we proceeded to Pastors Shawn's word and Max was there with us too!

After CF

After cf alot of us was watching how the photos are printed outside of Black Box. Alot of people are amazed about the tiny printer! then we headed to Summit for our delicious lunch at Sushi King! our group was so big that we had to separate into 3 different tables! Everyone enjoyed the sushis! the bento! and also the laughter!

**Pastors Shawn's Word of the day**


What does Jesus means when he said "It Is Finished??

All of us are reminded of this 3 simple yet powerful words means

John 19:30

*When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

IT = the sacrificed that God has made

IS = something that actually happened

FINISHED = Jesus paid in full! God died for our sins on the cross for our sins are once for all paid in full, he doesn't need to die on the cross again.

Hebrews 10:10-18

10 And by that will, we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.

11 Day after day every priest stands and performs his religious duties; again and again he offers the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But when this priest had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God, 13 and since that time he waits for his enemies to be made his footstool. 14 For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.

15 The Holy Spirit also testifies to us about this. First he says:

16 “This is the covenant I will make with them
after that time, says the Lord.
I will put my laws in their hearts,
and I will write them on their minds.”

17 Then he adds:

“Their sins and lawless acts
I will remember no more.”

18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.

To all who missed today's CF do drop by next week for more fun and exciting messages!
God Bless 2 All & Have a Blessed Weekend!

P/s: Campus Revo is on EVERY Wednesday @ 11am @ 8th Floor!

With loads of love, Soo Wei

Edited by: Jevin ;p

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Mar 3, 2011

CamPuS ReVo

~Just a Little Sharing from a member Me(Soo Wei)~ on how god has worked in my life~

Revo was just awesum!! had an awesum time with GOd yesterday @ campus revo~ I know its just not about prayers and all but its all about HIM~ looking back during my practicum hours.. when I have to skip ReVo.. I could feel the dryness in me~ without revo.. without prayer.. without people hu will encourage me to move on ~ serving GOD.. today was my 1st day back to revo~ once again~ n as usual!! it had always been AWESUM..!! could really feel god presence once more~ it had been long ever since we asked god for forgiveness to renew our souls...the song GIVE US CLEAN HANDS~GIVE US PURE HEART~ had really strike us..and also the power of your love.. I was wondering what could we sing for worship today and so this morning I thought WHO AM I and POWER OF UR LOVE would do good.. without realizing this morning.. it just goes well with the topic we were discussing this morning..its just amazing on how god has really worked in our life's.. we really want to thank Joanne,Te May,and Janel who had came to serve together with us..!! they are awesum people man~ glad to have them around who had awaken us from some of our wonders..thank u girls.. for waking us up once more.. really appreciated it a lot girls..also.. wana thank u the committee members of CF n CR~ without ur support ur walk with me..in this journey of my life with god... i wouldn't know where i would end up to be... really thank u girls and guys... for walking me through.. i just wonder whats going to happen when i start working.. I'm gonna miss u guys n girls a lot..!! it is CF n CR that i have grown~ the only place I have to go.. i wonder what will happen to me then.. but i believe god has already his plans for me.. and there shall be no worries about whats going to happen ~ it will just turn out just as good as now..and we ended with the worship song The Power of UR LOVE ~ have a nice weekend people..god bless..xoxo.. :)

~with lotsa love~
*SoO WeI* Continue reading...

Feb 21, 2011




These three letters. This one word. How can it mean so much? How is it that acknowledging the existence of it brings hope, peace, joy so different,most of all a meaning to life and every little nothing that we do?




Someone once said, God is not something/someone to be debated or questioned about, but He is someone to be experienced.

How can then I talk about something so magnificent, so marvellous, something beyond what my little my mind can grasp? How is it that with my brain, with the little that I know, and understand, I’d like to debate about the the creator of heaven and earth.


A book I once read wrote, trying to understand god is like a deaf man trying to understand Beethoven’s piece.

God. This one word. So big, so debatable, so high and mighty. Yet this same word,  so simple, so real, so near like a sigh away, but only the heart knows.



He never forced you into anything. Like a lover, like a father – more than the kind your earthly father can offer you. This God, this lover, same father, this friend  will wait, and in the meantime, He will never stop doing good to you.


God. Not a very big word after all?


This journey we are in, nobody else can journey for us. This is your journey, every step you take, every turn you make, its all you.


You try and see. Try God.

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Feb 19, 2011

*Pulau KeTam~ CF ReTr3aT*

*A Day tRip to Pulau Ketam*
++God Is Good !!! God Is AweSuM!!++

Hey peeps..!! so soree for the late updates on cf yo!! have been pretty busy!! so lets get moving to our updates so far during cf~ what we had and what we did over the weeks...!!!

Well.. we really thank God for an AWESUM time we had in Pulau Ketam..!! Its just not about fun and excitement but its all ABOUT HIM!! OUR BELOVED FATHER IN HEAVEN JESUS CHRIST..!! who
has gaven us the opportunity to be in his army, working and serving HIIM..!!

JOuRn3y to PuLaU KeTaM..!!

All of us had to meet in KTM~ at 8am.. and we headed to Pelabuhan Klang.. and from Pelabuhan Klang, we catched a ferry to PULAU KETAM..!! in the ferry.. we had lotsa fun taking pictures fellowshiping together.. and we suddenly remembered about our childhood game we use to play during primary school... it was fun remembering our old times.. one of the games we remembered was "ABC~ 7 up 7 down 7 upside down 7 123~ 7 456~7 eenie minnee mi ni mo..!! lolz."

It took us about 45 min to reach our destination... we then finally reached Pulau Ketam.. we walked over to our hotel we booked for our meeting.. while waiting for our key to the room.. some of us were complaining of hunger~ and so we decided to have our lunch nearby~ we had awesum fuudddiiee and awesum fellowship during lunch time..!! we had bamboo lala..fried oyster.. fried prawns.. mantis prawns..crabs..and soup...!! so full.. and on the way~ we saw an ice cream stall~ so cute.. it was a shape of an egg..and they had the ones in cups..some of us bought the wan in cups and we shared..our beloved adviser.. treated us the ice cream...!! thanks a lot mr.francis..!! it was awesum..!!

It was time to have our meeting and time with the Lord.. so we headed back to our hotel.. rearranged our table in the room.. and we proceeded with our meeting..We started of with the time of worship~ and we discussed a few things .. how can we improve ourself and cf..

After meeting.. some of us thought of ridding the bike.. we asked the owner of the bikes..how much they could give us as we only wanted to ride for an hour or so..their actual price for it was a day for rm5..we negotiated with him and he decided to give us rm4..so we headed of ridding the bike.. !! it was after so long ever since we had touched the bike.. most of us were having hard time getting use to their bikes.. as their bike are different then our usual bikes.. but it was fun!! we thought our dear president how to ride a bike..!! she is real fast learner..!! eheh~ XD we did not had much time to continue our ride..as we had to catch a ferry back home before it turns dark.. but some of us wanted to buy some Keropoks before we head to the ferry stand.. we headed to one of the shops and we bought some home..

We managed to catch a ferry back to the Subang Jaya KTM.. at the ferry stand before the KTM~ they had a wide spacious place for us to take pictures..!! so we decided to take some pictures before heading home..!!We walked over to the KTM~ and bought our tickets.. according to the counter lady ~ she said we had 30 min before the next train.. so we decided to head to KFC nearby~ we had small tea time there.. and finally here comes the train~ off we go.. home sweet home.. though its only for a day.. we still had lotsa fun fellowship~ing with one another..!! thank u GOD for the awesum time together..!! looking forward for more.!!god bless u all!! xoxo.. have a blessed week ahead..!! xoxo :)

~with lotsa Love~
*SoO WeI* Continue reading...

Jan 9, 2011

Its beginning.

Can you hear it from a distant? Can you smell the fire burning the passion? Can you?

Its dark now, the night before the semester begins for most of us. in a couple of hours, we will lay our head to rest. In a few hours, the city will be asleep, not so much of a sound on the street.

In less than twenty hours, the lights will be turned on. The sun will rise, the streets flooded with roaring machines. You got your stuff set, you’re prepared for school all over again. But are you really ready?

A friend once said, “ Don’t regret mistakes done yesterday, for you learn from it.Regrets are for the same mistakes done today.”

So are you ready? You’re all set for the journey, got your new year’s resolution for new shoes. But are you ready to take a new step? You might have slipped the last time, fell, stood and walked. But are you going to walk the same path?

Someone wise once said, “ Don’t walk on the road, but walk the path not taken and leave a trail”.

This year, let’s not settle for second best. We are capable of much more greater things. The Creator said, ask anything in My name and I will have it done. My friend, He is ready, has always been.

Question now is, are you ready?

Build the fire. Get ready, cause when you are, He will Ignite you.

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