Aug 19, 2010

Campus Revo : What did He say today?

So, yesterday at campus revo. If you missed it, you can try again next week.

Nope, it wasn't songs this time. He was in the mood for animals. Eagles. Two of it. One served its purpose, the other didn't for it sat as a statue on a building.

Even as I write this, I think to myself, maybe He wants to put us high up there for everyone to see. But then, He says, nope, I will make you soar on My wings, to Greater Heights.

Fun Fact #1 Eagles do not need to flap too many times to soar, just a few.

He will bring us to greater heights if we only rely on His wings. The SEGi CF camp, I sincerely applaud the team who has been working harder than ever on the camp. But lets take rest now. Lets stop flapping. Lets lay rest at His feet.

For you, whatever you are worried about, working so hard but not achieving. Maybe because you need rest on His wings. I'm not going to lie to you, its not going to be easy. But at least next week Wednesday, when you come for Campus Revo for a two hours encore, lets sit at his presence and wait.

Remember Martha and Mary? Martha went about working and working, but Mary just sat by His feet. Lets be like that for now. Lets stop using our wings to hide from the rain, and lets run into our Father's wings.

Come fasting a meal on Wednesday next week (25th September) at 10am-12pm.

So what did He say? still unsure. He said:

Dear one, take rest. For I am here. Trust Me. For I only desire good things concerning you. Will you let Me carry you?


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