Dec 3, 2010
Happy preparing for finals!
Always remember, when you think you can't do it,
God's word says: "I CAN do everything through CHRIST who strengthens me." Phil 4:13
Study hard. Serve Him. Trust Him. Continue reading...
Goodbye 2010!
Today was our last CF meeting for the year as we waved goodbye to 2010, and hello 2011. Of course, looking forward to greater things to come! Had 22 precious CF members and newcomers altogether at our Goodbye 2010 CF. A warm welcome to our newcomers- Joyce #2 (Joyce #1 is the talented pianist in CF), Harvinder and Serina. And it's sooo good to see Te May, Joanne, Janel, Jo Ann, Hon Sen for their 2nd CF today!
As it was our last CF of 2010, we kickstart-ed CF with a slideshow of CF happenings & power-packed events this whole year- SEGi Revolution P.A.R.T.Y., SEGi CF Camp, Campus Revo and a few more (which I forgotten). ;p
Proceeded to games led by AiLynn, and worship led by Fee Vien. Had a an awesome time listening to Mr. Francis sharing on 3 points:
a) Acknowledge God that He exists
b) Have a personal relationship with Him
c) Listen to Him
Later on, he shared a personal heartwarming story about his 5 years old daughter.
*While putting her to bed,
Mr Francis: Can you remain this cute and don't grow up (while cupping her face in the palm of his hands) forever?
Daughter: Forever?
Mr. Francis: Yeah, forever.
Daughter: Why?
Mr. Francis: Coz you're cute- as in this size and all.
Daughter: Leave it in the hands of God.
As many of us in CF know, Mr. Francis has also been like a father to many of us here. On another note, today, God is wanting to have that personal father-son/daughter relationship with us. Do you want to have a relationship with him? Or are you already in one- break up then get back to God, then break up again? It's your choice. No force. But we know a relationship with God is the best among any other. Why? Coz He will never break up with us or leave us. No matter how many times we have failed him. =)
Ok ok, back to CF. And so, after sharing, we had testimonies by life-changing people: Misha, Prasanand, Jevin. And because we had another class waiting to use the Theatre Hall for class, we ended with our CF 2010 highlights video. Credits given to Prasanand. Will try to post the video + slideshows up here as soon as possible.
After CF, some of us who could make it, celebrated Prasanand's birthday @ Sunway Pyramid. His Christmas wish was a Bible yo! But we couldn't wait till Christmas, so we got him for his 19 birthday coming up soon!
Gonna end here with a quote...
"Remember God daily"- by Mr. Francis. =) Continue reading...
Nov 29, 2010
In the end.
Another month and the year come to an end. Pull out the papers and diary in which you scribbled on 31st December, the words you promised you would fulfil. Replay those words you once told yourself. Now, when the year ends, does your dream end there too? Do your little promises to yourself go unfulfilled?
I would say that is very much up to you. If you wanted to make a change, go make that change, you’ve still got time, an entire lifetime to be precise. If it’s getting fit, go take a run then. Whatever it is, this year, instead of making false promises and failing on it, let’s live it up!
And just because I said you have an entire lifetime, does not mean you get to take your time, because no one is sure when lifetime ends for them. Scary truth. So start living it up, put your hopes, dreams, promises, on the line, challenge it, and let the Maker help you out.
And when your dreams and whatever you have worked for works out well, that would be a good part, because that’s when you get a new dream, a new passion for new things. (quoted Rapunzel the movie)
But if things don’t work out, remember:
If we win, we praise Him, and if we lose, we praise Him still (quoted Facing the Giants the movie)
Sometimes He breaks you to make you. A better you, the kind you never thought you could ever possibly be. The kind you never imagined.
Go, put it on the line. Your hopes, dreams and promises.
Continue reading...Oct 4, 2010
The Shepherd knows His sheeps
If you're broken, take this time to rest. While you heal, He will carry you on his shoulders.
Good day.
Sep 22, 2010
We are Soldiers.
Our life's are made out of so many things- routines, expectations, miracles, accomplishments, and battles.
We all have our own battles. Some battles we have won, some are not meant to be won, but to learn from, while some others are still being fought at the battleground.
Recently, some of us had the opportunity to rejuvenate in His presence at the mountain tops- the SEGi CF Camp. The mountain tops are usually the place where, in the Bible, God meets his anointed ones. One of the many was Moses. The mountain tops and the hill tops are where we are left alone, far from our routines, from distractions, where its just you and Him. Where that still small voice seems loud and clear. Where you gain your strength, to fight the battles.
But remember when you get back to the valleys, the battle is still on. Remember also that His hands are always upon you. Do not forget that still small voice, for it might seem unclear and distant, but He never stopped speaking. The stronger you are, the harder the battle will be. For those who have just arrived at the battle ground, welcome back soldiers, we have been waiting for you. For those who had to stay back, do not give up.
Rise, rise and rise again until lambs become lions -Robin Hood
Fight your fight. Sickness, unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, shattered dreams, crushed hope, whatever ti is - fight is and fight for it. The battle is still on, you can sit back in the shelter and watch how you are loosing, or, put on that armor- and fight the good fight. If you fall, remember to rise up, remember the war has been won for us.
Won for you and I.
Rise up, fight, He will never forsake you, His hands will be upon you.
Soldiers, rise up. Fight. Continue reading...
Aug 19, 2010
Like i said in the posts much earlier, I don't post another post after a few minutes. But He just makes me do it. why?
Here's why?
Because I was blogging earlier and I, like any of you was trying hard to believe in what I write, it was a challenge for myself. Then, as soon as I was done, the very thing I was worried about, its taken care of.
Isn't He awesome. He is. He really is.
Now you try. Rest. Continue reading...
Campus Revo : What did He say today?
Nope, it wasn't songs this time. He was in the mood for animals. Eagles. Two of it. One served its purpose, the other didn't for it sat as a statue on a building.
Even as I write this, I think to myself, maybe He wants to put us high up there for everyone to see. But then, He says, nope, I will make you soar on My wings, to Greater Heights.
Fun Fact #1 Eagles do not need to flap too many times to soar, just a few.
He will bring us to greater heights if we only rely on His wings. The SEGi CF camp, I sincerely applaud the team who has been working harder than ever on the camp. But lets take rest now. Lets stop flapping. Lets lay rest at His feet.
For you, whatever you are worried about, working so hard but not achieving. Maybe because you need rest on His wings. I'm not going to lie to you, its not going to be easy. But at least next week Wednesday, when you come for Campus Revo for a two hours encore, lets sit at his presence and wait.
Remember Martha and Mary? Martha went about working and working, but Mary just sat by His feet. Lets be like that for now. Lets stop using our wings to hide from the rain, and lets run into our Father's wings.
Come fasting a meal on Wednesday next week (25th September) at 10am-12pm.
So what did He say? still unsure. He said:
Dear one, take rest. For I am here. Trust Me. For I only desire good things concerning you. Will you let Me carry you?
Continue reading...
Aug 13, 2010
A Love Story
How did it all begin?
Everything has a beginning. Your beginning was the formation in your mother's womb. A song is burst from a single tone. A forest starts with a single tree. So, everything has a beginning? Nope. He is eternity. Because beginning is a referral for timing. And we are bound by time, but not the Father. For time was something we came up with-humans. Therefore, it can be said that time is relative. And He is eternity.
The story.
The story starts like this. The Lord made you and I. loved us. We sinned. He came. He died. he rose again. hence, Salvation is believing that He died on the cross to wash away our sins. That's all.
Not really. There is more to this.
That's why a story is known as a story. Reality speaks differently. Today, I will speak of reality, and I pray that you will know with your heart and not your mind what salvation really is. You see, our Father, He didn't sit there, mould and make us so that we can sin and He can say "Aha!", and then purposely send His Son to die. No. He didn't plan it this way. He planned to love. And so He gave us a choice. You see, if all He wanted was worshipers, He would have summoned the angels to do so. But instead He made you, because He wants to love and to be loved.
To love and to be loved.
Sounds familiar? sounds like you? Maybe because you were created in His own image. He is a Father full of love. He cannot stop loving. It is His nature to love.
Now imagine this
There is this person you really love. Or a pet dog maybe. You really love them. Really really. And you discovered there is this remote on sale now. Its called The Perfect Love Remote. If yo install this on your friend, they will have to love you forever. Unconditional Love. Would you install it? They will HAVE TO love you if you do install it. The Father didn't install such buttons on us, not because He couldn't but because He didn't want to. He gave us a CHOICE instead. To love or turn away.
A choice.
He gave Adam and Eve a choice. He made everything beautiful. But He let the tree of the knowledge of good and evil grow. And as the story goes, they choose to eat the fruit of the tree, disobeying Him. Disobedience. Sin. Death was therefore introduced as a consequence.
But we forgot, how He might have hurt on the inside. He knew the possibility that sin might enter the world, just like how we know someone we love might hurt us one day. And things got even worse as you read along Genesis and Exodus and so on. This went to the point where all He could see on earth is sin. He regretted making humans. Regret- is a big word.
Ever regretted on someone? He did. So as the Bible writes, it came a point He Himself had to come down to save us. The Universe was in His hands, the earth His footstool, and He came down.
The way I see it, He sat on the same stool where He made you and I, and made another man- Himself.
You love someone. But were not loved in return. maybe because your love means nothing. Maybe because they forgot. Sacrifice- that will show love. When your dog comes around you all the time, protecting you, loving you, you never gave it much attention. Your dad who has always been there, who were there through your tough times and through your tears, joy, pain, sorrow, you never really noticed. Until one day, that dog dies protecting you. Or that dad suffers and dies saving you. Then you know the love. How much love. how deep the love.
The Sacrifice
So with that, he sent His One and Only Begotten Son- Jesus Christ. The father himself came to earth- for you. And after all the ways He could come to earth, He choose to be born in a stable- the dung, the animals, the smell, the Prince.
Sometimes we get carried away,we always talk about living like the Father, knowing how He lived, how people rebuked Him, and nailed Him, and we want to live like Him and walk like Him (which is good) But we so easily forget to remember the reason He went through it all - Love. So when you want to live like Him and walk like Him, you have to start loving like Him first.
It is finished
The nails went through the palm of His hands. The thorn pierced through His head. The blood soaked His body. He died. He choose to die.
His last words as a man on earth was : It is finished. now you might think, -wow, I think I get it now- But wait, don't leave when the credits roll up, because there might be some surprise element like in the movies. The Father did not just die, He conquered death, and rose up to life again on the third day. At this very moment He is sitting next to the Father, interceeding for you and I.
So what is Salvation? - Sacrifice of Love. The unspoken words of the Father. 2nd Chance.
With so much love for you, won't you help Him tell the broken hearted, the wounded souls, the unloved, about His love.
John 3:16 For God SO loved the world that He gave His One and only begoten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
So much of love.
Good day. Continue reading...
Aug 11, 2010
What did He say?
SEGi Subang Jaya had our Campus Revo last morning. So what did He( Our Father ) say?
Well, reporting live from the room 10.10 on 11th August 2010, we have with us Aaron, one of the committee. According to Aaron : God seemed to be speaking through songs.
No, I kid you not. Some of us had songs, not just any random songs, but different songs that all meant one thing. Some saw visions. This may seem doubtful, but remember the scripture, your young man shall see vision and the old shall dream dreams. Amen.
So what were all these songs building up to?
But if you have no idea what Salvation is. Or maybe it sounds as bizzare as camories sounds to you, then wait. The next post will be for you.
P/s: If you haven's been to Campus Revo, come, let your heart familiarize with His voice.
Till then. Go tell it on the mountains, over the hill and everywhere that Jesus Christ is born.
Aug 10, 2010
Light snack
On a lighter note:
There is someone who loves you. He keeps your picture in His wallet. He thinks good things about you. The past He doesn't remember. That time you cried softly behind closed doors, He saw you. In fact the tears didn't just dry away. He collected them into a bottle. Your tears are not wasted.
He loves you.
Good day. Continue reading...
Aug 5, 2010
todays episode : Introducing Camories
It got me realizing that many of the post I've written has an imagine this word.
So ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters of all age. Today's topic of Imagine This is *drum rolls*
Imagine This.
Its 12am on the clock, you're on your bed. You whispered your goodnight prayers and you lay on your bed. Reflecting on how the day went, you slowly, gently let your eyelid fall. And you slowly turn to get yourself comfortable. You think you are about to fall asleep because tomorrow holds something bigger. And then
your heart starts pounding, your hands start fidgeting. Tomorrow, you think. You force your eye shut to gain some sleep because tomorrow might hold something greater. But the bed grew warmer. You turn and toss and turn and toss and turn and toss. Finally, you sit up on your bed. Turned to look around your room and there you found it.
Snacks and snacks all packed. Clothes folded and fit into backpacks. And the Bible waiting. Tomorrow might hold something greater for me, something greater for you because tomorrow might be
but its not. NOT YET AT LEAST!
its coming! coming!
17th-19th SEPTEMBER
Get your registration forms!
Relive those moments. This is your moment to re-live that moment again.
Sam number 0176740395 Ruth's number 0129372620 for KOTA DAMANSARA
Ailynn 0126134587 or Melissa's number 0176071180 for SUBANG JAYA
So if you're still curious as to what Camories are. wait up then.
Good day.
Testimony of Love
He is nearer than you think. Exactly. He knows your thoughts.
I have just tasted His Love.
Its beautiful. When you feel His love, its unexplainable, so don't try explaining with man's tongue, it would bring tears to your eye- tears of joy. You would feel undeserving, but He will tell you, "I am your Father, and I love you".
Listen to His still small voice. Wait, don't rush, let the hours pass, but wait patiently -You will hear His still small voice.
Grasp that loving words, don't explain it, no man can understand. Not even you. Because explaining means putting it into head knowledge, and oh, how confined are our heads, filled with earthly matters. The Fathers voice, only the heart understands it.
Quiet down. Listen. Continue reading...
Aug 4, 2010
Bedtime story.
It all boils down to love doesn't it. Last night, I had to read my baby brother to sleep. There wasn't much of an option for me to choose what story to read him. So, one story I could think of from the top of my head was a story you might be familiar with. Even if you haven't heard of this story, you might feel like you have.
It was a story of creation.How everything was made. The heaven, the earth, the light, the darkness, the animals, and man - You and I.
I remember reading a book- one part of it wrote a description which is a big part of the story I am about to tell you. And so, in effort of wanting to take me baby brother into the story, which I wasn't supposed to because its bedtime story, I retold the story of creation in a child-like way. And then I understood it myself.
Imagine this.
It was a bright day, the sun was shinning bright, the trees were standing tall, the grass were lavishly green, but there is something odd with the picture. The animals were all gathered in a commotion. They gathered in a circle, focusing on whats encircled in. In the middle, there was a man who sat on his stool. He was a potter, and with tired hands, he worked on the clay. Perfecting it. The lions curiosity asked the deer, "what do you think He is making this time?", the hippo turned to the giraffe and asked if it could understand what was being made. The giraffe."I think its a- wait, I think-oh-huh" They couldn't make of it.
But all creation stood in awe- the potter's soft breath fell gently upon the clay and went into it. The clay reflected the potter- His own breath, His own image.
His own.
The potter then stood, looking at His own creation, He smiled and said "It is good."
There you go, that is how you and I, we were made. Detailed. Perfect. because you are the only one, His only one.
I took the liberty to ask my baby brother why he think God created us.
So we could worship Him, he said.
If he wanted a worshiper, He had His angels. But he made you instead. Because,
he wants to fellowship with man - You
he wants to have a relationship with man - You
he want to love man - You
See, I told you it all comes down to love.
Love, because He is love.
Have a blessed day. Continue reading...
Jun 27, 2010
SEGi Revolution P.A.R.T.Y.!!!!!


Here's the event that we've been talking about! SEGi Revolution P.A.R.T.Y. is hitting SEGi Kota Damansara, Subang Jaya and Kuala Lumpur. If you are a SEGi-ian, you should not miss this.
Free transportation to and fro provided from SEGi College Subang Jaya or Kelana Jaya LRT station. Free dinner with a great variety of scrumptious food! Free admission too. For more info (event page), (group page) To have a sneak ...peek of last year's SEGi Revolution P.A.R.T.Y. pictures or contact any CF committee if you have questions or simply want to find out more! We'll be so glad to hear from you. Feel free to visit or comment on our SEGi Revo blog as well.
See you on our next CF meeting on 9th July 2010. Prayer meeting & Campus Revo are ON this Wed! And remember, share and tell your friends about SEGi Revo! We believe God's gonna do a great change in the lives of people! Stay tune!!
Cheers! Continue reading...
Jun 24, 2010
facebook, twiiter, youtube, google
Hey guys! Hey guys!
Are you a person who makan Internet, tidur Internet, do anything Internet?
Well, if you are... then I think YOU would be the right person to come.
Come for what???
Tomorrow (25th June), we'll be having a talk on "Growing The Internet Generation" by Ps. Daniel Tan who is the youth pastor for SIB. Come and be inspired at how you CAN be God's tools by simply being YOU- the Internet generation. Don't worry.. you're certainly not alone!
See you at 12pm @ Theatre Hall!
Cheers! Continue reading...
Jun 20, 2010
prayer moves giant mountains
Come, let's gather together and pray for our campus, for our unsaved friends who have yet to know Jesus, for our campus (students) to be transformed by the love of God! We know as much as we want to see this, the devil will also be there to distract and stop us. Therefore, we need to pray to fight. It's a long term thing to see the fruits/results, but we know whatever we do for God is never wasted as we sow seeds + faith into people's lives!
Join us on every Wednesday @ 11am, 1st floor (outside Student Council/fayette House room). We have Campus Revo right after that! See you there! =)
Campus Revo Updates!
Last Wed, we met for our 3rd Campus Revo meeting and we were led by the Holy Spirit to give out curry puffs and coffee to cleaners.
So on Friday morning, we gathered, collected our curry puffs from canteen operator and made a jug of nice coffee (thanks to the kind assistance of 1st floor cafe operator who helped us make the coffee taste better with creamer + Indocafe coffee powder + keep tasting repetitiously till the coffee's got the right taste, all for free of charge! mmm.. trust me, the coffee turned up smelling really good!
Handing out food to another cleaner. We also gave out the remaining packets and coffee to 3 'kakak(s)' at B1 canteen who never cease to work in cleaning and serving at the canteen.
Some of you might wonder what is Campus revo all about?
Jun 18, 2010
The Inventor
This was what that kept me pondering this week and I hope it will somehow do the same to you.
The inventor. An inventor is a person who invents something new. And the inventions made, it usually comes with special purpose. I mean, why would someone make something that has no purpose right? And often, the invention becomes more purposeful when the inventor spends more time creating it, working on it.
By now, I hope you know the inventor here is Our Father in Heaven, and the invention is you and I.
But unlike objects, we, His creation, His invention become more aware of our purpose when we spend time with Him. Not the other way around. There is no better person who would know the purpose you and I are made for besides the creator Himself.
And each and everyone. Yes, I'm talking about that girl who sits next to you in class, or that guy who stands in line with you at the cafeteria, ALL of us have a different purpose. A special one. In life's journey, there are times we do get lost, we ask ourselves, why am I here? And being lost is perfectly normal. But instead of questioning and questioning, the very best way to know our purpose is to go back to the creator himself. Ask Him. Talk to Him. Then wait for the answer.
Believe me, He will answer, all you got to do is, wait and listen.
Have a good day. Continue reading...
Jun 14, 2010
Project Mordecai Launch
Imagine a little kid, full of passion, full of potential and life. Did you just feel like I was talking about you? Well, maybe I am- you are part of the CF anyway. So, back to this kid, he has so much he wants to do, and so much he can do and not aware of it. But often, just like this kid, we have been to that point we feel like we have all the passion but no direction, no guidance.
Of course, Jesus itself is the one source of guidance, but every child needs a covering. Like, Esther, she had Mordecai to protect and teach her. Hence, the SCSJ CF hands are now taken by the ACTS Church.
So let the journey continue, as we march on together!
But as for this friday 18th June 2010 at 12pm - 1pm, lets march towards the Theatre Hall. Lets be a part of this beautiful event.
and the REDs go marching on. Continue reading...
Jun 4, 2010
Is just to much to put in a post!
If you have made it for today, we CF members really glad to meet you & Welcome to the BIG & HAPPY FAMILY!!
AHA! If you have just miss it,
Don't can experience what is it like to be part of our family by making yourself available for this 2nd FUN DAY!
What is it??!!
ITS CALLED SEGI R.E.V.O!! Which happening on 16 JULY 2010!
Stay Tunned for more information that SOON gonna be posted up in college, emails, facebook and even here! "CF are COOL, therefore we keep in touch with you you in the COOLEST way!"
Trust me, you don't want to miss it!!
May 31, 2010
YOU dont wanna miss this out!
To the new members aka freshies of SEGi Subang Jaya family, a big warm welcome to you! :D
To those who are starting college this week, welcome back to college! *whistles
To those of you who are in the midst of your semester, be encouraged! Persevere. Your hard work will not go to a waste. =)
Guess what?!
CF is back too (on the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month)!!!
With much more activities planned out for YOU!
So make sure you keep your dates available and block out any activities on those dates yea?
Okay okay..
So what are the activities yeah?
Be there this Friday! Continue reading...
May 20, 2010
He knows.
Hence, this post goes to those who are striving, and yet not gaining yet. Who are trying but still failing. Those who have grown tired with their phase in life.
Don't give up. Not yet, in fact NEVER give up.
simply because He knows.
He knows your cries, He knows your desires, He knows your pain.
So keep striving and keep trying, because it is only when you stop trying, you have failed. Keep going on. Its a long journey, but you're not alone. It's a crazy journey, but He is right next to you. If your feet grow tired, He will carry you.
Ever heard of the story about a man and His voice? You see, God placed a huge rock in a man's home, like a really big one. And God said to this man, you are to push this rock everyday. And so thsi man obeyed. He tries pushing this huge rock everyday. Even after a couple of years, he still tries, but the rock has never moved an inch! That was when he decided he was going to give up pushing, he said to God, he can't do this anymore, because nothing is happening, its not moving! But all God said was, hey, I didn't say you had to move it, I said push it. And now that you have done it for years, your strength has grown!
sometimes the obstacles are crazy! We try and yet nothing happens. be encouraged that He knows the reason you are put into that situation. If you still don't understand, then ask, He is after all our father.
Have a goodday:)
May 10, 2010
take your time
reading dozens of novels.
eating spree.
catching up with friends.
writing a song.
playing that instrument.
learning a hobby.
or simply doing nothing.
take your time.
and enjoy it.
as for me, I'll bask in His grace and love. Continue reading...
May 2, 2010
To those who finally get to Rest from Assignments, Quiz & Test!
Pray that you will have a great holiday! Hope to hear ya sharing with us what you have done during this 1 whole month kay?!!
God bless you an AWESOME HOLIDAY!! Continue reading...
Apr 25, 2010
Apr 16, 2010
encouragement from our Father.
Apr 10, 2010
The most Awesome short clip I ever watch!
Really worth your time to watch...
-God bless-
Apr 6, 2010
Outting Outting~!!!
We are having CF OUTTING this FRIDAY!!! Woohoo!!
We used to have badminton, movie, "makan" and etc..... And this time, we are having BOWLING!!!
COME & JOIN in the FUN!
Where? When?
Is at Summit Bowling Alley, 9th April 2010 at 12pm sharp! :D
What are you waiting for?
*Quickly Jot this on your Friday appointment list
"Bowling Day!"
Remember to bring your own socks!!
CHIAOZ!! Continue reading...
Apr 4, 2010
Passion Of Christ
Last Friday (April 2) we have screening of Passion Of Christ!
Its really an awesome movie!
Because it brings everyone of us to experience what had happen 2000 years ago. What our Lord and Saviour has gone through for us... And yet, His ♥ for us is never shaken even though He is in such great pain!
The great thing is, this movie actually build some foundation in some of us. It reinforce in our heart, that our Lord is so Special! The only God that died for His people so that we will have eternal life! Amen!!
For people who came, they are really bless by it,
1 girl whom i approach, says, she got touch by this movie! And guess what, she indicate that she will continue coming to CF! Praise the Lord! Woohoo!~
After this, we have great fellowship and had our lunch together at Thai Village!
Ps. If you missed the Passion of Christ screening,
Don't worry,
we still have Fellowship Outing-Bowling this coming Friday (9th April) at 12pm ! Please don't miss this! I know you will surely enjoy urself! Continue reading...
WHats with Resurrection Sunday?
Its of course the usual stuff, going to church with the thought that He was risen up from the dead.
For some of us, we have had so many resurrection Sundays in our lifetime. So how is this year going to be any different?
Some people say, all good things comes to an end. But does it? Isn’t it up to you and I? Yes, life ends on earth, but doesn’t is begin in heaven? Imagine the unlimited praise and worship! The ability to live peacefully with animals!
But coming back, I, for one, realized that there are something in my life that have come to an end. There are times, unintentionally, we rush into the day and rush out of the day, not knowing we’re ending something in us.
But then again, all good things does not come to an end. This resurrection Sunday, think about the things that died inside of us. The passion, or the quiet time, or just the love for praise and worship. Whatever it is, let us resurrect at least one of it.
So, what do you do on a resurrection Sunday? Continue reading...
Apr 3, 2010
Resurrection Sunday
coming up: what do you do on resurrection sunday?